What Is The GPS Tracking System?

What do you understand by the name, GPS? The term stands for Global Positioning System. The system is about a network of satellites that orbit around the Earth and devices that determine an object or a person's location. It has evolved over time and its usage has increased over the decades.
5 GPS tracking requires a tracking device installed in a vehicle, on a piece of tool
or worn by a person. The tracking device is designed to provide information about its right location of  a vehicle, equipment, or person. For instance, a GPS tracking device can even locate the  truck's route, a child's location, or even for assets on transportation.
Top 3 Industries Leveraging Vehicle Tracking System | LocoNav
A GPS tracking system is a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network
This network is based on satellites to communicate with GPS devices that provide information on the location, direction, time, and speed of the vehicle being transported. GPS tracking devices send special satellite signals processed by a receiver. These GPS receivers are designed to track the exact location of the GPS device as well as keep count on their time and the velocity they are traveling. These positions need to be computed and represented also in three-dimensional views with the help of four types of GPS satellite signals.

The Global Positioning System depends on 27 satellites orbiting the Earth. Of these 27 satellites, 24 are operational, and three aim to backup satellites if there is failure in any of the other 24. These satellites keep orbiting the Earth every 12 hours and send signals received by GPS receivers of the Top 5 GPS tracking companies in Dubai.


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